Aki Kuroda by Camille Fallen - Body

Body by Camille Fallen, 2002

The body that weighs, the body as flesh, gravity and gravitation has perished in the blue flame of the lake. The remaining figure is light. Figure: the name of what remains. The figure except the body or the body finally except. Its heaviness allowed itself to be consumed with pleasure and ecstasy.

“What interests me is the cosmos and the body. »

And the body without a body perhaps, as passage, metamorphosis. »

The body outside of all filiation is no longer the child of time, but that of space and spacing. It "descends" from the color. He comes into her from the deep blackness of the cosmos, filled with light. The engendered body – as carnation or incarnation – has disappeared.

What remains of meaning and senses when the body is no more? What remains of meaning and senses when time becomes color, grain, like grain of skin or grain of canvas?

Only painting could give us to see these figures. But “there”, words fail us. There, in the “place” of the figures, there is the “place”, the pure openness, the birth of spacing at the heart of the color, the mise en abyme of space in space. Hiatus. The vertigo of pure space resembles (and we are mistaken) immobility.

The figures are without model. They open up new dimensions. They draw the absence as an omnipresence. They shelter the breath that blew the bodies. This one-way mirror reveals the unknown of our bodies.

In its clear opening, the eye slides to infinity. The approach to this new body never ends. We must sacrifice ours to it. The figure shows itself, plays transparency beyond being. But it remains obscure, enigmatic, attractive and dangerous: naked of all the future it carries within it.

Ecstasy is the “transportation outside of oneself”.

Up body, off body.

Who comes there? Where are we going ?

Body by Camille Fallen, 2002