Aki Kuroda by Galerie Depardieu - Cosmogarden

Cosmogarden by Galerie Depardieu

Like the revolution of the earth around the sun and stars in translation, the universe of Cosmogarden governs everything that happens around us, here and elsewhere.

And, it is in this cosmos that Aki lowers the borders of his art where temporality does not exist. Cosmogarden envelops and cradles us. But Cosmogarden not only defines the cosmos, at least Aki's cosmos, it also describes a garden. But what is this garden? Just like an admonishing character in a painting, the term "garden" appears here as an invitation.

It is an invitation from Aki for those who observe him, who read him, those who seek to understand his work. Aki takes us by the hand and takes us to his garden where we will meet his knowledge. His knowledge being the result of a life of exchanges. Aki's garden is a workshop where he cultivates himself and seeks to cultivate the spectators, through collages and assemblages of historical and mythological facts, words and memories.

Cosmogarden by Galerie Depardieu

It is not a specific period of his work, it is all of his works that are encompassed there. The heterogeneous works of Aki Kuroda not being inscribed in a temporality either, each work is likely to evolve. It is a seed that grows, a seed that we cultivate to finally cultivate ourselves in turn.

Cosmogarden is always on the move. We can illustrate this with the metaphor of the human body. In a human body, cells are constantly regenerating. There is both part destruction and part reconstruction, a symbol of life. If one of the processes fails, it's death. As for the human body, Aki adopts this part of balance, but if then this balance becomes too important, the art is no longer as satisfying. This is why it creates, and like a cell, it regenerates.

This universe, visible like the tip of an iceberg, still hides many secrets from us. What is certain is that Aki loves Cosmogarden and that he wants to continue living there.

Cosmogarden by Galerie Depardieu