Archives - Deneuve and Polanski - Cocteau - Soulages and Zao Wou-Ki

Roman Polanski accompanied by the elegant and talented Catherine Deneuve, under the protection of “La Fourche” by Miró, in the gardens of the Maeght Foundation, May 1965.
Since its opening, the Maeght Foundation has attracted people in search of modernity. Joining my grandfather's close friends including: the poets and writers René Char, Reverdy, Malraux, Prévert, Aragon, Leiris, Beckett, James Baldwin... The artists Matisse, Bonnard, Chagall, Braque, Miró, Calder, Giacometti, Tàpies, Rauschenberg, Kelly, Bacon, Chillida, Rebeyrolle… Actors, singers and stars of all expressions Ella Fitzgerald, Jean-Christophe Averty, Merce Cunningham, John Cage, Duke Ellington, Yves Montand, Françoise Hardy, Sun Râ, Grace Kelly, Hitchcock… The list is dazzling and endless.
Grandpa can be proud of what he did and of the people who accompanied him on his adventure.

When all the arts collide and enrich each other.
Pablo Picasso and Léonide Massine in Pompeii in 1917, photographed by ? By Jean Cocteau, quite simply.

Léonide Massine was, from 1915 to 1921, the main choreographer of Serge Diaghilev's famous "Ballets Russes". After the departure of Vaslav Nijinsky, the great male star of the company, it was Massine who danced his roles.
The year of this photo, he choreographed the ballet "Parade" on a musical basis by Eric Satie, a poem by Jean Cocteau, sets, costumes and stage curtain by Pablo Picasso. Hey, the same friends.
We must admit, and yet without nostalgia, that this artistic community was fantastic!

I love these meetings! Pierre Soulages and Zao Wou-Ki.