Art and Poetry - Vallotton and Baudelaire

Poem by Charles Baudelaire, 'The Romantic Sunset', in 'Les Fleurs du Mal', 1857
Painting by Felix Vallotton, "Sun setting in the mist", 1911.
"How beautiful the sun is when it rises freshly,
Like an explosion saying hello to us!
– Blessed is he who can with love
Greet his sunset more glorious than a dream!
I remember ! I saw everything, flower, source, furrow,
Se swoon under his eye like a palpitating heart...
– Let's run towards the horizon, it's late, let's run quickly,
To catch at least one oblique ray!
But I pursue in vain the God who withdraws;
The irresistible Night establishes its empire,
Black, damp, disastrous and full of chills;
A tomb odor swims in the darkness,
And my fearful foot bruises, at the edge of the swamp,
Unexpected toads and cold snails."
Poem by Charles Baudelaire, 'The Romantic Sunset', in 'Les Fleurs du Mal', 1857
Painting by Felix Vallotton, "Sun setting in the mist", 1911.