Art and Poetry - Hodler and Verlaine

Work by Ferdinand Hodler, "The Stockhorn Chain", 1905 on a poem by Paul Verlaine, 1874.
"In the endless
Boredom of the plain
The uncertain snow
Shines like sand.
The sky is copper
Without any glow.
You would think you were seeing life

And the moon dies.
Like the clouds
The oaks float gray
Next forests
Among the mist.
The sky is copper
Without any glow.
You would think you were seeing life
And the Moon dies.
Windy crow
And you, skinny wolves,
By these sour kisses
What is happening to you?
In the endless
Boredom of the plain
The uncertain snow
Glows like sand"

Ferdinand Hodler, "The Stockhorn Range", 1905.