Art and Poetry - Verlaine and Warhol

Paul Verlaine, “My familiar dream”, 1866 and Andy Warhol, “Marilyn”, 1967.

I often have this strange and penetrating dream
Of an unknown woman, and whom I love, and who loves me
And which is, each time, neither quite the same
Nor quite another, and loves me and understands me.
Because she understands me, and my heart, transparent
For her alone, alas! stop being a problem
For her alone, and the dampness of my pale forehead,
She alone knows how to refresh them, by crying.
Is she brunette, blonde or redhead? - I do not know.
Her name ? I remember it being sweet and sonorous
Like those of the loved ones whom Life exiled.
His gaze is like the gaze of statues,
And, for her voice, distant, and calm, and serious, she
The inflection of dear voices that have fallen silent.
Paul Verlaine, “My familiar dream”, 1866 and Andy Warhol, “Marilyn”, 1967.