Aki Kuroda - Cosmocity: the city like Aki Kuroda
“Over time, “Cosmocity” has taken a major part in the pictorial universe of Aki Kuroda, yet always renewed.
Kuroda 11117, Untitled, 2001 - 270 x 160 CM
He presents an everyday universe, remodeled by his eyes, where the city, with its overly rational forms, becomes a meeting space between spectators and creators. He continues his experiment by examining the fragments of city life and the space where people live their daily routine. Aki Kuroda explores urban geography and man's place in this complex universe, like a pictorial urban planner.
Kuroda 13920, Cosmocity I, 2004 - 300 x 200 CM
Eternal nomad, constantly pushing back the boundaries, physical or psychological, beyond the East and the West, nourished by his travels, his readings, he never stops questioning the earth, the universe, the cosmos, to enter a new space-time. Past, present and future mix here in a puzzle where the mineral and the organic, the masculine and the feminine, complement each other. He seeks a space where speed finds calm, a break, a passage."
Press release - Théâtre des Sablons, 2015

Kuroda 15299, Cosmocity XII, 2007 - 160 x 270 CM
In my paintings, there are many details. Here, a cup of coffee. There, my rabbit who took the place of the Minotaur in my paintings. The rabbit is a kind of guide like in “Alice in Wonderland” but in my labyrinth!
Kuroda 111227, Cosmocity, 2013 - 64 x 91 CM
The Cosmocity paintings are the representation of my conception of “the city”, its history, History, the history of art etc… It is the very basis of painting when we work with the real life.Kuroda 14259, Cosmocity VII, 2005 - 81 x 130 CM
Kuroda 14380, Cosmocity VIII, Acrylic on canvas, 2005, 160 x 160 CM
Kuroda 14381 Cosmogarden I
Kuroda 16506 Cosmogarden - city - XXI century, Acrylic on canvas, 300 x 600 cm, 2008
Kuroda 16843 Cosmocity II, Mixed media on paper, 97 x 127 cm, 2009
Kuroda 16887 Cosmocity V, Mixed on paper, 97 x 127 cm, 2009
Kuroda 16842 Cosmocity I, Mixed on paper, 97 x 127 cm, 2009
Exhibition views
Kuroda exhibition, Saumur, 2018