Aki Kuroda by Camille Fallen - Lines

Lines by Camille Fallen, 2002

“Smooth space, or Nomos: its difference from striated space. - What fills the smooth space: the body, its difference with the organism. - What is distributed in this space: rhizome, packs and multiplicities. - What happens: becomings and intensities. - The plotted coordinates: territories, lands and deterritorializations, Cosmos. (1). »

These figures which are reborn outside the earth and outside the body are the itinerant and wandering figures of the cosmos. More foreign than the foreign, if it is possible to be even more than the word says, they inhabit the color, the fall and the line. They seem to have no more destiny or end. They rise from the sea, cross the space without respite, stop for a moment at random in a line performance, tip over again, sometimes cross paths. But the words they exchange are still inaudible to us. A decomposed, uncomposed, disarticulated mythology fell from the Earth into the sea so that Cosmogard could finally hatch.

Ariadne is there. She no longer surveys the labyrinth, she creates it with lines, those which arrived from the first canvases. It celebrates the multiple.

“I am a painter of the line. It is the line that creates. The line is a journey and the painting travels with it. »

The line advances in the “smooth” space of the nomads. But soon, there is the accident, the meeting, the event, the unforeseen, the anomaly. To follow the line's endless journey is to know that the line will be broken in the violence of one night. Now the lines are constantly growing, the cosmos demands it, the threads multiply in a frenzied race, constantly opening up new dimensions, metaphysical, mathematical, astrophysical, imaginary: between science and science fiction. The gesture is rapid and the brush fuses and spins, divides and scrolls its infinite spindle. Fates gone mad cut the trajectories at random from their whims.

There is no longer the unique island of Minos with a labyrinth at its center and a garden at its heart. First there is a garden traversed by the wind of chaos which blows on the Ariadne's threads, intertwined and divided. The threads gradually formed sponges – with gaps and crypts – and they are so many islands floating in space. In these mazes, themselves elements of a larger labyrinth, time and space blend in colors and lines. Somewhere, however, there is a Minotaur. For the ecstasy to be saved.

The labyrinth no longer has an entrance or exit. It is conjugated in the plural. As the figures are lost there from the start, they can no longer be lost there. Some of them travel on pedestals. We see them take strange postures. They bustle or tumble from one thread to another, in white and grey: Space City . But there is no up or down. Space pours out on all sides. Unusual and solitary, they sometimes make you laugh but with a new laugh, a new anguish. Numbers and lines weave an increasingly complex universe. The puzzle of the cosmos increases and fragments: it is composed by breaking down, upside down from the others. Centrifugal, it increasingly undoes plans. Its pieces separate, move away from each other, bitten by chaos. The paintings are blue and black, Darkness in paradise or white and black, it's the Minosideral triptych. The puzzle advances in space, the universe bursts and spreads, it opens like a flowerbed, without our knowing its law, language, project, future.

“There are three and a half dimensions: movement alone is one dimension. It moves all the time. We cannot stop the movement or know its meaning. One can only “feel” what one does not see, the infinite and infinitely complex movement of this architecture which knits time and space. »

To see some of Aki Kuroda's paintings is to watch and hear the movement of these sponges, to follow the course of threads that grow to infinity, carried along by an Ariadne drunk with passion for the cosmos, insatiable, madly in love with Dionysus whose voice now merges with that of the stars and cosmic trees.

“There is a garden,” said the Minotaur. "I am in all the gardens of the universe, said Dionysos, and again, in all those of the future that you do not know". Then the lines spin, thread, unravel, divide, deviate, listen, divert, mislead, tie knots, create links, write, scramble, confuse, attach, roll up, thicken, surround, complicate , approach, go around, move away, go away, come back, etc.

Lines by Camille Fallen, 2002

1. DELEUZE and GUATTARI, Thousand Trays, Editions de Minuit, 1980.