Aki Kuroda by Camille Fallen - Starting Point

Starting point by Camille Fallen, 2002

Where to start? For a moment, we will have to leave Cosmogarden, the universe of Aki Kuroda as it presents itself to us today. This word appears here more than an analogy or a metaphor: it is a question not only of looking at the work of Aki Kuroda as a singular universe, but also of seeing in the universe one of the subjects of Cosmogarden. One is in the other, there is the universe in its universe: and the other side of this expression does not amount to the same thing.

To leave, is it to take this place for origin or to leave it? Can Cosmogarden be the starting point? The starting point as present of the work, knowing that even in the presence of the actual work, present, in various ways, it will not remain so and that therefore, from the start, there is none? From the first words the anachronism will have been present. But then, how did the work arrive “today” at Cosmogarden?

To start from Cosmogarden is to look at the origin of the work from the future that never ceases to arise in it. From Cosmogarden we wonder where the departed one came from. And the one who left, from more than one place at a time and from the beginning, is Aki Kuroda.

Starting point by Camille Fallen, 2002