Thierry Lefort by Devin Herenda - In my Burbank News

In my Burbank News by Devin Herenda, 2022

Artist Thierry Lefort leaves his mark with mural in downtown Burbank

Internationally renowned artist Thierry Lefort created a local mural in partnership with the City of Burbank, which features a stunning interpretation of the city.

Thierry Lefort's relationship with the city began after Burbank's economic development team learned of his work through social media in the summer of 2021. The department was so impressed with Lefort's work. Lefort that he requested permission to publish his creations online, which paved the way for their collaboration.

The Burbank Economic Development Department and the Property Based Business of the Downtown Burbank Partnership (PBID°) previously launched a mural initiative that brought 11 other mural art projects to Downtown Burbank. The economic development department suggested that Mr. Lefort to be the next artist to paint a mural in the city center, which the PBID enthusiastically accepted.

In the past, Lefort used oil paints for a work depicting a view of the Verdugo Mountains from Magnolia Boulevard, which served as his inspiration for drawing the mural. The city approved Lefort's mural plan because of its rich depiction of Burbank. The PBID funded the project with the aim of "generating additional footfall and exposure for the area while continuing to enliven public spaces with art, improve the aesthetics of the city center and encourage footfall to an even more pleasant neighborhood to walk around, in the same way that the Batman statue added a new reason to visit the neighborhood,” said Mary Hamzoian, economic development manager for the city of Burbank.

“With its vibrant colors, iconic hills, and the way it captures the beauty of the area, the mural showcases the artist's interpretation of the downtown Burbank skyline while complementing the art existing in the region,” added Mr. Hamzoian.

On Friday, July 29, Lefort began this operation at the intersection of Orange Grove Avenue and San Fernando Boulevard. The artist has created smaller murals in Paris, France, as well as another in St. Petersburg, Russia. This work in Burbank is the first large mural created by Lefort.

"It's a much larger scale, so the challenge was to do the same thing on a wall, on a larger scale and with a different material because it's acrylic, whereas I always paint in acrylic. 'oil,' said Mr. Lefort.

Each day, Mr. Lefort spent an average of five hours creating the wall art in the oppressive heat of the Californian summer. After a process that lasted almost a month, the mural highlights the city's landscape through a vivid and colorful, yet simple image . Rather than emphasizing the typical aspects of Burbank, Lefort looked for the unique qualities that make the city stand out when he designed his painting.

“What I tried to do is show a view of Burbank with palm trees, trees, mountains,” Mr. Lefort said. "I tried to show an image that is not popular, that people don't necessarily know about Burbank. I wanted to show colors and simplified shapes... and undo the complexity of the city, make it simple".

More recently, Lefort has used both colored oil paint and blue ink to paint his canvases. He decided to combine these two aesthetics for the color palette of Burbank's wall art. This element, along with the precision with which Lefort drew the various shapes of the mural, is part of a detailed artistic approach he has established over the years.

“There is a very precise technique that I have developed, with the way I assemble colors and shapes, which makes the painting come alive,” explains Mr. Lefort. “It’s not a coincidence. It’s a technique that I developed.”

As the Lefort Wall was completed, many Burbank residents and visitors expressed keen interest in this striking project. These positive and enthusiastic reactions often caught the unassuming artist off guard.

“I am always surprised because people really appreciate it. They are very expressive,” said Mr. Lefort. They drive by and say, “Oh, that’s great.” It always surprises me how enthusiastic people are.

Since Mr. Lefort has been working on the mural, the town has received messages from other artists wanting to paint their own works locally. One of them is a studio animator in Burbank who is currently in talks to do another mural in town. Lefort not only inspired other artists to volunteer their services for future art proposals in Burbank, but he also formed connections with a number of pedestrians and business owners in the area.

“We are delighted with what we have seen so far and the public reactions have been positive,” Mr. Hamzoian said of Mr. Lefort's contributions. “Thierry was a welcoming presence as he painted, befriending passersby and neighboring merchants.”

Now that he has officially completed this work , Mr. Lefort is confident that the site of the mural will be a place where visitors can have positive experiences, today and in the years to come

“I would like it to bring joy and I hope it will help people to be in a good mood,” said Thierry Lefort.

To learn more about Thierry Lefort and his artwork, visit his Instagram account @lefort.thierry, and stop by to see his new mural at the intersection of Orange Grove Ave. And San Fernando Blvd.

To learn more about Burbank's many murals, check out the Economic Development Team's guide , which will soon add Thierry Lefort's work and other new murals to the list.

The article on the My Burbank News website :  link here

In my Burbank News by Devin Herenda, 2022