Series - Horses in Art
Walasse Ting, "Blue Horse and Bouquet", circa 1990.
As a teenager, there was never a huge canvas of him in my room, it was an extraordinary source of good humor.
During each of his stays in Paris, when he made lithos, he came to see us. Later, it was my turn to always wave to him when I was in New York. Together we wandered around SoHo which was beginning to bustle artistically. We walked to Chinatown where, behind curious shops, he showed me tiny restaurants. I never managed to get into these places without him.
Photomontage letter with the horse from "Parade" by Picasso, sent by Jean Cocteau to Francis Picabia, in 1919.
Costumes created by Picasso for the ballet "Parade" in 1917.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, “L’Écuyère”, 1899.
Matisse, “The horse, the rider and the clown” from Jazz”, sublime bibliophile work published in 1947 by the Greek Tériade.
Picasso "Study for Guernica", 1937.
Study by Théodore Géricault "The Retreat from Russia", 1818.
From 1945 and the opening of the Galerie Maeght, until his death, Aimé Maeght published DLM.
Excerpt from “The Maeght Saga”:
Marc Chagall is the closest neighbor to the property and Mamy wants us to go say hello to the mischievous artist every day. Alone or with my sisters, on foot, by bike or on horseback - with Flo, we travel the surrounding hills perched on another neighbor's horses, I always stop along the way at his and his wife, Valentine Brodsky, called Vava. She is much younger than him, only ten years older than Ida, the daughter of Chagall and Bella, but she calls the shots. I fear her. Chagall is crazy about her as he once was about Bella. Grandpa likes to imitate Chagall with his sublime Russian accent. All the artist's cunning is perceptible in one of the films that Pierre Dumayet dedicated to my grandparents where he asks him why he only signs his paintings when they leave his studio. “Because I think I never finished the painting, I'm not happy, I'm a guy who's not happy, except with my wife I'm happy. » Grandpa must not have been far from thinking the same thing, never satisfied, except with his wife.

Joan Miró, "The Horse, the Pipe and the Red Flower", 1920.
This wonderful painting by Miró evokes for me the magic of Christmas, through its colors, the accumulation, the horse toy...
Unbelievable, this painting by Joan Miró is over 100 years old!
Joan Miró, “Circus Horse”, 1927.
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, sublime lithograph from 1895. Only 100 copies, a rarity sought after by “Napoleonic” collectors and art lovers.
Magnificent, the tricolor horses!
1984 Andy Warhol, based on “Bonaparte crossing the Great Saint Bernard” by Jacques-Louis David.
In 1905, Picasso cast his gaze on circus characters, harlequins, acrobats, acrobats or, as here, an “Equestrienne on horseback”.
It's wonderful, it could be a fresco from Pompeii and suddenly the modernity of the character jumps out at us.
Marc Chagall, “The Squire on the Red Horse”, 1957.
Wassily Kandinsky's "Musical Album" includes thirty-eight prose poems that he wrote between 1909 and 1911 and fifty-six woodcuts that he began in 1907.
In woodcuts, Kandinsky creates more and more indecipherable images (although the horse and rider are present). This process proved crucial to the development of abstraction in his art. Kandinsky said his choice of technique stemmed from an "inner necessity" for expression: woodcuts were not merely illustrative, any more than poems were merely verbal descriptions. Kandinsky was looking for an interaction between text and image.
This wonderful "Little Horse", by Alexander Calder. It is articulated and can rear or curtsy, like a circus horse. It was given to the Center Pompidou by my family.
This work will make you scream, it is "Kaputt" by Maurizio Cattelan, a series of 5 stuffed horses hanging from a wall, with their backs, their legs hanging, and their heads embedded in the wall. Cattelan, the author of the banana stuck to the wall.
Is this a shocking image to denounce an escape and a refusal from the real world?
Cattelan refers to Malaparte's novel, “Kaputt”, and particularly to the episode relating to the horses caught in the ice of Lake Lagoda in Russia.
“When I have an idea it is the image of the idea that comes to me and not the meaning.” Maurizio Cattelan
Cattelan's horses provoked a strong reaction and gave rise to a petition. For my part, I don't like people to humiliate or ridicule animals, even dead ones.
Raymond Duchamp-Villon, “The Great Horse”, Plaster, 1914.
Joaquín Sorolla on the beach of El Cabanyal, Valencia, in 1909 painting "The Horse's Bath", now on display at the Prado Museum.
I do not get enough.
Max Ernst with rocking horse, Paris, 1938.
Humor, absolute chic, the most demanding art. Enough to satisfy a life. Dada-ist!
Xavier Veilhan's Carriage which was exhibited in the Cour d'Honneur of the Château de Versailles in 2009. Like a folded metal origami, the carriage pulled by six horses is an echo of the past, revisited using 3D technology.
A dynamic evocation of the Grand Siècle of Louis XIV, the carriage embodies speed and power, but, here frozen in its course, it evokes the flight to Varennes of Louis XVI and his family. It’s a coach without a coachman, a ghost ship…
FIAC - Tagada Tagada, the marshal must be laughing at what he sees perched on his horse, in the entrance to the FIAC.
Ultimately, it is the most beautiful installation and composition seen at the FIAC.
The bronze of Marshal Joffre, winner of the first battle of the Marne in 1914 was made in 1939, it is by Maxime Real Del Sarte, born in 1888, in Paris and died in 1954, founder of the "Camelots du roi", group of students opposed to the "pantheonization" of Zola. Born into a family very open to the world of art which included among its members the Italian painter Andrea del Sarto, Maxime Real del Sarte entered the Paris School of Fine Arts in 1908.
I love this photo of Marino Marini, in 1952, perched on one of his sculptures in his studio in Milan, super photographer Herbert List.
"Portrait of Henry IV, King of France, on horseback in front of Paris". It is unknown who painted this painting in 1595.
Behind the king, we recognize, on the right, the Tour du Bois (which was part of the enclosure of Charles V) and the Louvre, on the left, the palace and the Tuileries garden. In the background, the hill of Montmartre.
Behind the king, we recognize, on the right, the Tour du Bois (which was part of the enclosure of Charles V) and the Louvre, on the left, the palace and the Tuileries garden. In the background, the hill of Montmartre.
"Portrait of Henry IV, King of France, on horseback in front of Paris". It is unknown who painted this painting in 1595.
Behind the king, we recognize, on the right, the Tour du Bois (which was part of the enclosure of Charles V) and the Louvre, on the left, the palace and the Tuileries garden. In the background, the hill of Montmartre. tps://
Behind the king, we recognize, on the right, the Tour du Bois (which was part of the enclosure of Charles V) and the Louvre, on the left, the palace and the Tuileries garden. In the background, the hill of Montmartre. tps://