Series - Kisses

"THE kiss of the muse", according to Frillié.
At the time when Cézanne, who was only 20 years old, was getting his hands on copying works from major museums.
The first "Kiss of the Muse", sometimes called "The Poet's Dream", is a painting painted in 1857 by Félix-Nicolas Frillié, a French artist belonging to the romantic movement. Exhibited at the Salon, the year of its creation, the painting was sent to the Aix museum by the State. It was around 1859 that Cézanne made this copy while a student at the free drawing school which is in the same building as the museum.
Mary Cassatt, "The Evening Kiss", 1888.
I love this photo by Priscilla Rattazzi, "The Kiss", East Hampton, 2009.
Another day series kisses, love…
“Psyche revived by the kiss of Love”, marble by Antonio Canova, 1777.
The god Love, or Cupid, rests on a rock where a young girl, named Psyche, lies unconscious. Venus, mother of Cupid, had demanded that she bring back a bottle from the Underworld, but had forbidden her to open it. But the curious woman couldn't help it: having breathed in the infernal scents, Psyche fell into a deep sleep close to death.
There Seeing the lifeless body, Cupid rushes forward and touches it lightly with the tip of his arrow to ensure that it is not dead.
This is the moment captured by the sculptor: Cupid tenderly embraces Psyche, straightens her, and brings her face closer to that of his beloved. Psyche slowly lets herself go backwards, and with a languid gesture grabs the back of her lover's neck.
Pablo Picasso, “The Kiss”, 1925.
What an incredible painting, it is fundamental in the work of the Spanish master. So sexual, the man's nose is unmistakably penis-shaped and plunges into the woman's mouth, which seems more like a penis.
This painting reminds me of what Marcel Proust wrote in 1921 in “Le Côté de Guermantes”:
“For the kiss our nostrils and our eyes are as badly placed as our badly made lips.”
The famous Kisses series by photographer Robert Doisneau comes from a commission from the American magazine Life on lovers of Paris, in the aftermath of the Liberation.
The young lovers who kiss are not people photographed by surprise in the Paris of the time. It is a production with theater students from the Simon course that the photographer had met on the terrace of a café.
For my kiss series, the iconic victory kiss of 1945, in Times Square, by Alfred Eisenstaedt.
Karel Appel, "Putting green kiss", 1978.
Not bad this photo by Christopher Makos for my Kisses series!
"Andy Warhol Kissing John Lennon", 1978.
Perfect for my series, this little-known painting by Edvard Munch, "The Kiss", 1892.
We're really at the limit of abstraction, aren't we?