Yoyo Maeght Conferences - The Maeght Saga

In 1h30, the whole Maeght adventure, from Aimé's beginnings as a worker to the creation of galleries in Paris, New York and Barcelona, ​​then the Maeght Foundation, the friendship of artists, life in Saint-Paul-de-Vence and Paris from an extended family of creators of all kinds, the Maeght spirit.

Next date:
May 31 at 3 p.m. - Château de Malleret
Reservation: expo@yoyomaeght.com

By commenting on exceptional archive photos, I analyze and tell the story and life of my grandfather, Aimé Maeght, a little kid from the North, orphaned by the war of 14-18 who became a friend of greatest artists of the 20th century, but also one of the most important art dealers in the world and then creator of the Maeght Foundation in Saint-Paul-de-Vence.

One and a half hour conference.

  • 1 hour story commenting on archive photos
  • ½ hour debate with the public

The contents :

Aimé Maeght, a builder and friend of artists

  • A lithographer worker from Nîmes to Cannes
  • Decisive encounters, Bonnard, Matisse, Braque
  • The Surrealists, poets and writers, Duchamp, Breton, Prévert, Malraux…

Publisher and Gallery Owner

  • A gallery in Paris, Chagall, Kandinsky, Léger…
  • A new generation, Giacometti, Miró, Calder, Tàpies,
  • Aimé Maeght, a bibliophile publisher - Limited edition artists' books
  • Artist/writer relationships

The Marguerite and Aimé Maeght Foundation

  • A place created for artists, with artists
  • Architecture
  • Inauguration
  • Exhibitions
  • Foundation Nights, music, theater
  • The Maeght spirit
  • The current situation

Editions Robert Laffont
60 photo documents
Price: €21.50

Order The Maeght Saga with dedication here

The book features an incredible gallery of portraits with a host of memories and testimonies revealing the fantasy and determination of artists, from the 1930s to today. In a whirlwind of openings, parties, exhibitions, Yoyo paints a colorful portrait of the art world and recounts with amusement the complicity that connects her to Miró, Chagall, Braque, Prévert, Montand who guided her steps from her childhood. Yoyo Maeght, born in 1959, perpetuates the Maeght spirit by devoting her life to art and architecture, as a gallery owner, editor or exhibition curator, for her story,

“Yoyo Maeght recounts this flamboyant era in a book which traces the incredible daily life of an extraordinary family. " The Parisian.


Many of you have asked me to come to your region for a conference or a signing of my book.
If you wish to initiate the organization or make the link with places, museums, media libraries… do not hesitate to contact me here .
I am always enthusiastic to bring the Maeght adventure to the public. By commenting on exceptional archive photos, I analyze and tell the story and life of my grandfather, Aimé Maeght, a little kid from the North, orphan of the war of 14-18 who became the friend of the greatest artists of the 20th century, but also one of the most important art dealers in the world and then creator of the Maeght Foundation in Saint-Paul-de-Vence.