Art and poetry - Osbert and George Sand

George Sand, “At Dawn”, Tales of a Grandmother, 1873.
And Alphonse Osbert, “Harmonie du matin”, 1913.

Nature is all we see,
Everything we want, everything we love.
Everything we know, everything we believe,
Everything you feel within yourself.

She is beautiful to those who see her,
She is good to him who loves her,
It's right when you believe in it
And that we respect it in ourselves.

Look at the sky, it sees you,
Kiss the earth, it loves you.
The truth is what we believe
In nature it is yourself.

George Sand, “At Dawn”, Tales of a Grandmother, 1873.
And painted 40 years later, Alphonse Osbert, “Harmonie du matin”, 1913.