Self-Portraits - Picasso

Born in 1881 in Malaga, Pablo Ruiz Picasso spent his youth in Spain. In 1891, his father, a painter, accepted a teaching position at the "La Coruna" drawing school. Picasso was 10 years old and he practiced drawing even though he could barely read. In 1895, he moved with his family to Barcelona, ​​his father taught at the very academic school of Fine Arts and thanks to him, Picasso, aged only 14, was able to exceptionally pass the entrance exam. He turns out to be a true prodigy and is immediately admitted. The school's teaching is classical and Picasso mastered drawing and painting very quickly and perfectly. Two years later, he entered the competition for the Royal Academy of Madrid. His success is as resounding there as in Barcelona. At the age of 16, Picasso reached the highest artistic level at the best art schools in Spain.
1889 Picasso and the painter Casagemas
1895 Self-portrait with a parent
1896 Self-portrait
Self-portrait from 1896, he was only 15 years old at the time.
The dazzling talent of Picasso.
1900 Self-portrait “Yo”
1901 Blue self-portrait
Picasso painted it at 20 years old.
1901 was a terrible year for Picasso; his great friend from Barcelona, ​​Carlos Casagemas, committed suicide. Despite the pain, Picasso painted a portrait of his friend on his deathbed.
Haunted by death, Picasso began a series of paintings with cold tones, almost exclusively blue. He paints himself many times, he sees himself as a much older man.
1901 Self-portrait with a partner
1901 Self-portrait “Yo”
1901 Self-portrait “Yo”
Here Picasso is 20 years old. In 1901 he painted himself often, he titled this one "Yo, Picasso", Moi, Picasso!
1901 Self-portrait
1901 (study) Self-portrait
1902 Self-portrait
1906 Self-portrait
1906 Self-portrait
1906 Self-portrait
The face and eyes announce the characteristic features of the women in "Les demoiselles d'Avignon", painted in 1907.
1906 Self-portrait
1907 Self-portrait
1917 Self-portrait (c rayon)
1929 Picasso Bust of a woman and self-portrait 1929
1929 Bust of a woman and self-portrait
Mind-blowing, captivating, magnificent, avant-garde and, perhaps, simply beautiful!
One of my favorite Picasso paintings.
I would love to see what art will produce in 2029, when this painting will be 100 years old!
1940 Self-portrait
1940 Silhouette of Picasso and crying girl
1965 Seated Man
1966 Self-portrait in a sketchbook
In 1958, Picasso bought the Château de Vauvenargues, a 14th century building near Aix-en-Provence, at the foot of the Sainte-Victoire mountain.
The Mediterranean of the south of France remained for Picasso a place of life but also a place of incredible artistic production. It is there that he looks at ancestral creative techniques such as ceramics and returns to the sources of art history in reinventing certain iconographic myths. The Mediterranean reminds him of his native Spain, between sunbathing and bullfights.
1972 Self-portrait
1972 Self-portrait facing death
1972 “Head” Self-portrait
1972 Last Self-Portrait
Picasso was 90 years old when he painted this last self-portrait, shortly before he died on April 8, 1973.
In this look, I suspect a panic fear of death, but also a naivety, even an amusement of life.
Hats off to the artist.